Our Family

"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass."
-Alma 37:6

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Tree Hunting!!

To everyone wondering why I'm such a slacker lately with the whole blogging thing-SORRY! My camera is on the blitz and I don't have that many pictures to post. I'm looking at cameras and hopefully I'll be once again a blogging maniac. Here's a little update- We had a wonderful Thanksgiving we had dinner at Brandon's parents house and did the usual turkey, crafts and fun! Brandon's Grandpa came down and his Aunt Jennae and Uncle Ray and their family. It was lots of fun. I also had my first official lesson on making Grandma Nelsons dipped chocolates. It was a lot of fun and hopefully we'll continue the tradition and I can pass it on down to my kids.Laine and Havie are "BEST FRIENDS" Laine had a sleep over with "Her Girls" as she calls them. I'm so glad she has girl cousins to play with because there aren't any girls her age here!
Brandon leading the gang all around the mountain to find the perfect tree.

At last we finally find the "Perfect Tree" We found Bryan and Greg's trees really fast but we had to search a little longer to find our tree! It was a group effort but we finally found it- and it really is a pretty perfect tree!

Talmage, Anya, Laine and Haven


Rose said...

That's always a Thanksgiving memory of Fayette for me.

Richard and Teona said...

Glad you had a good time over Thanksgiving...so did I. I hope the traditions continue too. Love ya

Susan said...

Brings back memories.

Chris and Lindsey said...

Looks like a blast. I wish we had done that atleast once growing up.