Our Family

"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass."
-Alma 37:6

Saturday, April 11, 2009

4/3/09-Sawyers actual Birthday!

Happy Birthday Big Guy!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!! Happy Birthday Big Guy hard to believe he's two!!! Well except in action:)he's definitly a two year old that way. Sawyer is full of spunk and we love it!!
We all had work and school that day so that night we has some good friends of ours( The Stevens) come over and have shakes and just play for a little while.

Here we are just enjoying the company.

Sawyer got one last present on his actual B-day and it was books:) This bag has made its way around my family it's kind-of tradition to pass it on to the next birthday person. It will be a sad day when the bag makes it's final round:) But thats not for a long time it's still in mint condition.

1 comment:

Rose said...

Happy Birthday, Sawyer! I really love that birthday bag. I need to find one like it.