Our Family

"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass."
-Alma 37:6

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Swimming Lessons!!!!

Talmage swimming on his back!!
Laine loved her teachers and she loved swimming lessons!!

I did a Mommy and me swimming lesson. Brandon ended up doing it on the last lesson What a good Dad:)

After lessons they got their pass awards:)


Richard and Teona said...

Good Job, Kids!! you were great, glad I was able to come and watch! Loves, Grandma

Julie Harward said...

Loved all your pic's...I miss swimming lessons! Your children are TOO cute! :D

Greg and Lisa said...

This picture brings back a thousand memories when me and Brandon were in swimming lessons together- actually most of your blog brings back many memories in a way, because much of it was my childhood :). It was so fun to read and catch up on your little family! Say hi to them all. Love, lisa

Mel said...

So it's been a while since we've talked. I sometimes think of calling on my way home from work then worry it'll be taking away from your family time w/ Comando & kiddos. How are you? How is life downna south? Hope you are well, email or call.

The Bracken Five said...

Hey! I hope everything is okay since you didn't call me back about Bear Lake. It's okay we went without you! I miss you tons and tons. Come and visit soon.
