Fathers Day weekend started on Thursday for Brando we went four-wheeling on the east end of Boulder Mnt. We had a little picnic before our ride and then we took the Dark Valley Aquarius loop trail. I have to say it was one of the best and prettiest trails I have been on (and I've been on a lot)!
Laine and Sawyer rode with Brando
and Tal rode with me or should I say I rode with Tal since he wanted to drive almost the whole time!
We came across a old Cat Track that was broken down on the side of the trail so we took a break by it-the kids had a blast playing on it. It was really cool.
Friday Brando wanted to go up in the mountains and have a dutch oven dinner for his first of three Fathers Day meals so the kids and I decided to give him his Fathers Day gift then since I didn't know if they could keep a secret for that long and I wanted him to have a chance to try it out-only problem was I forgot the ammo! Minor Problem!!