Our Family

"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass."
-Alma 37:6

Thursday, July 3, 2008


After eleven months of having Brando's bike torn apart and I mean literally torn apart he has finally fixed it and put it back together! He tried for two days to get it to start after he put it back together, but last night at about 11:30p.m. he finally got it to start. I didn't have my camera with me but he had the biggest smile from ear to ear to finally get it started. He is still wearing the same smile today:)!!!Now he can take it camping and go riding with the boys!


Kandice said...

Congrats! Boys and their toys... what more can you say.

Jim Rowley said...

Brandon, what were you doing to your bike?

Jessica said...

Where on earth are all the stickers and why was it all torn apart?