Our Family

"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass."
-Alma 37:6

Monday, November 17, 2008

Picture Tag-take two!!

O.K. This is my sixth picture in my sixth file-Don't ask me what I was thinking before. This is what my kids do while I try to scrapbook. Sorry it's also my laundry room and obviously I wasn't on top of the laundry!!! You may think that Tal looks pretty funny in his boots but I am not kidding that is what he wanted to wear all summer and now it's cold he wants to wear his flip flops(I don't get it). He's stinkin cute anyways.


Jessica said...

Cute pictures, I love how kids just have their own sense of style!

Holly said...

Marie, cute blog! I may have to copy your background. How are you guys doing? What are you doing for the Holidays this year?

Rose said...

I'm thinking your laundry room looks pretty clean for a laundry room.

leesh said...

my little taylor does that too. she'd be wearing a dress, walking around in snow boots! very cute!